Eye Care Missions We have Done at Pacific Eye Doctors
Since 2006, Pacific Eye Doctors has sponsored staff members to participate in yearly VOSH Third World Eye Care Missions.
Giving the Gift of Sight to Someone in Need
Our staff members work hand in hand with doctors and other volunteers at various clinics to provide eye examinations and glasses to adults and children in need.
Photos from these amazing trips can be viewed here.
We collect donated eyeglasses and sunglasses on an ongoing basis. Please feel free to stop by the office and drop off your unwanted eyeglasses and sunglasses, and give the gift of sight to someone in need.

Our 2011 Eye Care Mission Was a Success
In March, Pacific Eye Doctors helped sponsor Judi to participate in a Third World Eyecare Mission. She joined Trenna and traveled to Nicaragua with VOSH Florida (Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity). They traveled to the West Coast, visiting the same cities as the 2006 and 2008 missions.
Once again, the vision team was accompanied by a construction team who built two homes for families in the Refugee Camp.
This time there was only one Optometrist in the group (normally there are 2-3), and he saw 100 patients per day. These were long clinic days, but we were able to successfully see all the patients.
Our 2007 Eye Care Mission Was a Complete Success
In January, Pacific Eye Doctors helped sponsor Lesley to participate in a Third World Eyecare Mission.
She joined Trenna and traveled to Nicaragua with VOSH Florida (Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity). We visited Ocotal, which is 20 mins from the Honduras boarder in Northern Nicaragua.
We were able to see over 900 patients in the 4 clinic days.
Thank you to all of you who donated their old eyeglasses. You personally helped give the gift of sight to someone in need. Vision is something we take for granted every day. Imagine not being able to see for a good portion of your life.
Giving some a simple pair of glasses was the highlight of their life.
Our 2006 Mission Was a Life Changing Experience
I ventured to Nicaragua with a group from Florida to join VOSH (Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity) on a Third World Eyecare Mission.
I was able to give the gift of sight to many people who have never experienced good vision. That was an amazing feeling to take part in helping people who are a lot less fortunate than you.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank the community for their generous donations of used glasses that were used as a part of a Third World Eye Care Mission to Nicaragua this May. The number of glasses that came pouring in exceeded any amount we had hoped for.
The eyeglass collection is an ongoing project at Pacific Eye Doctors so if you still have used glasses it is not too late to donate them. Sunglasses, both regular and prescription are in high demand.
VOSH is dependent on the donation of used glasses to continue missions like this one all over the world.
Thank you, Dr. Judy Schnarr, for giving me the opportunity to participate in this life-changing experience. I look forward to participating in other eyecare missions through VOSH in the future.